Let’s check in with how you are feeling now that you’re at the end of the unit
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Question 1 of 2
1. Question
Now you’ve completed this section, select 3 words to describe how you are feeling.
These are the topics we looked at:
- Cleaning your home and managing infestations
- Separating, sorting and washing your clothes
- Recycling and reusing
- Cleaning your appliances such as the oven or microwave
- Being secure in your home and ‘Cuckooing’
- Dealing with difficult neighbours
- Meal planning, budgeting for food and making healthy meals
Question 2 of 2
2. Question
With 4 being the highest, how confident do you feel about these topics now?
The topics include:
- Cleaning your home and managing infestations
- Separating, sorting and washing your clothes
- Recycling and reusing
- Cleaning your appliances such as the oven or microwave
- Being secure in your home and ‘Cuckooing’
- Dealing with difficult neighbours
- Meal planning, budgeting for food and making healthy meals