Unit 4 – Your Choices
Hi, welcome to unit 4 – Your Choices!
This is all about how to have your say, understanding your lawful rights and your responsibilities and how to stay safe.
Find out how to get more involved at YMCADLG. Understand how to make choices within the law, and how to get advice and support around the law and offending.
- How do I join a residents meeting in my service?
- How can I have influence and be involved in decision making about things that affect me?
- Where can I get support if I feel threatened and unsafe?
- How can I find out about my legal rights around breach of the law?

You may know a lot about how to have influence and your legal rights and responsibilities or know nothing at all and don’t know where to start. There is lots of useful information here for everyone.
To pass this unit you will be able to:
- Participate in a residents meeting
- Understand how to influence, get involved in decision making within your housing project
- Show you know about the law and offending
- Know where to get advice and support if there is a breach of the law
- Show you know about how to live safe and securely, free from abuse and harassment
- Know how to be street wise and consider your personal safety
- Understand what abuse and unacceptable behaviour is
- Understand positive risk taking
You can show your project worker what you are able to do by:
- Accessing support services
- Attending relevant workshops and groups
- Support Planning
- Keywork records
- Showing active listening and the ability to reflect
- Going through the topic online with your project worker and completing the activities
- Discussing what you’ve done with your project worker