Unit 7 – You & Your Community
Hi, welcome to unit 7 – You and Your Community!
This is all about belonging in your community, understanding democracy and how to have influence. Learning about diversity and social skills.
- How do I make a complaint?
- How do I vote?
- What are my responsibilities to my community?
- How can I get involved in my community?
- How can I learn social skills?
- Who can I ask for help?
You may have lots of experience of being involved in communities, or none at all and don’t know where to start. There is lots of useful information here for everyone.

To pass this unit you will be able to:
- Make a complaint
- Understand the voting process and the importance of being heard
- Know how to vote
- Develop an understanding of community living
- Understand antisocial behaviour and the law in communities
- Understand social responsibility
- Show empathy with the needs of others within the community
- Understand the benefits of giving to society and how to do so
- Understand the importance of and know how to join community groups
- Show knowledge and practice of anti- discriminatory practice
- Understand diverse cultural practice
- Be active in group activities
- Ask relevant questions
- Develop awareness of how to be appropriate in conversation with others
You can show your project worker what you are able to do by:
- Support Planning
- Keywork records
- Joining relevant groups
- Volunteering
- Showing active listening and the ability to reflect
- Going through the topic online and completing the activities
- Discussing what you’ve done and how you’ve progressed